Taking a Reflective Approach: Why Blog?

Welcome to the first post in my leadership tips, strategies, and reflection blog. I’m excited about this journey and want to share the reasons behind this “stepping out of my comfort zone” move!

First and foremost… Why Not? Leadership is an ever-evolving journey. It is one filled with challenges, successes, and a never-ending quest for personal and professional growth. Throughout my own leadership path, I’ve come to appreciate the profound impact that reflection has played on my professional growth and development. It’s not just about moving forward; it’s about moving forward with intention, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to self-improvement. So why not jumpstart my leadership reflections via a blog? Besides, I’ve spent the last three years writing and reading, reading and writing my dissertation along with other writing projects; but, since my defense, I felt like something was missing.

And so… here I am, embarking on another challenge. Here are my top four reasons for blogging:

1. Personal Growth: I believe that leadership is not a destination but a continuous journey. It’s a journey where we learn, adapt, and evolve. Through this blog, I hope to document my own growth, learn from my experiences, and inspire others to embark on their own quests for personal and professional development, too.

2. Shared Learning: My favorite hashtag is #bettertogether which suggests that leadership isn’t a solitary endeavor. It thrives in the exchange of ideas, experiences, and insights. This blog is a platform where I intend to share my experiences, the lessons I’ve learned, and the strategies that have worked for me. But more importantly, it’s a space for dialogue. I look forward to learning from you, too. I hope you share your thoughts and ideas in response to some of my blog posts.

3. Inspiring Emerging Leaders: I firmly believe that leadership is not defined by titles or positions but by actions, mindset, and a willingness to make a positive impact. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting your leadership journey, I hope this blog will serve as a source of inspiration and guidance, helping you to realize your leadership potential and take meaningful steps toward your goals.

4. Time for Reflection: Reflection is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. It allows us to pause, examine our experiences, and gain valuable insights. I want to emphasize the importance of reflection as an intentional practice. I often reflect on my day, interactions with others, things that didn’t go as planned, and things that actually worked out.

I’d love it if you joined me on this journey. I look forward to learning, leading, and GLOWING UP with you all.

Peace and love,


Author: E.M.

I am a dedicated advocate for early childhood leadership and the growth and development of young minds. My journey has been guided by a commitment to fostering a nurturing environment where learning is not just a process but a joyful adventure. Through my experiences, I have discovered that leadership success is about cultivating a culture of curiosity, empathy, and continuous growth. I am excited to share my insights and strategies with others who share my passion for creating a brighter future through early childhood education. I enjoy sharing insights, tips, and strategies to empower fellow leaders in the field.

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