Guided Mindfulness Meditation as a Leadership Tool

I promised to share tools and strategies contributing to my leadership Glow Up. First up is a daily practice that has helped me be a more centered and present leader: guided mindfulness meditation. 

Before sharing my experience, please know that I am not an expert. I have been practicing guided mindfulness meditation for approximately three months. Consistency has allowed me to leverage its side effects to support and enhance my leadership practice. It is important to note that a guided meditation practice does not require extensive amounts of time. By devoting just five minutes a day, you can build consistency and begin to reap the benefits of the practice.  

What is guided mindfulness meditation?

Essentially, guided mindfulness meditation involves an experienced instructor who leads or teaches the session. They provide direction and encourage participants to monitor their thoughts throughout and after the session. This practice does not have to be live and in person. In fact, guided mindfulness meditations can be accessed virtually, too. Now that I have defined what guided mindfulness mediation is, let me tell you about my favorite mindfulness activities. 

Breath Work

My absolute favorite mindfulness activity is breathwork. Controlling my inhales and exhales allows me to calm my mind and anchor my thoughts. I enjoy the soothing and relaxing sensation that takes over my body. Before I have difficult conversations or deal with difficult situations, I take a few moments to pause and focus on my breath. This practice allows me to think clearly and rationally, improving my decision-making skills and my ability to recover from any setbacks. 

Mantras and Affirmation

Guided mindfulness meditation often incorporates the use of mantras or affirmations. They help participants relax, practice self-compassion, sustain focus, and enhance awareness. Mantras are my second favorite mindfulness activity. Selecting mantras that relate to my experiences is vital. Once I have chosen a mantra for the day, I repeat it often to remain focused and purpose-driven. 

How to get Started:

You can start your meditation practice for free. YouTube has several channels that provide free guided meditation. Several online applications offer free subscriptions to teachers and administrators.

HeadSpace is my app of choice and the one I have used for the last three months. It provides beginner meditation courses that span over several weeks. Additionally, there are focused meditations to help participants manage anxiety and stress. If you have a Peloton or FitOn subscription, you can use their guided meditation videos, too.

Leadership Tip: Add a guided mindfulness meditation to your daily morning routine. Five minutes of breathwork and positive affirmations can help set the tone for a productive workday. 

Before I conclude, I do want to share that in the beginning, I was skeptical about the benefits of this practice. Learning to quiet my thoughts and not be distracted by the outside world took several attempts. I still struggle with this, but I understand there is no right or wrong way to practice, and staying consistent is key. After three months of staying consistent, I am able to stay in a meditation state for 10 to 13 minutes. I’ve learned to use mindfulness as a way to calm anxiety, release stress, and focus on being grateful for each day.

I hope that mindfulness meditation as a leadership tool can help you on your leadership journey.

Keep going, keep growing, keep glowing… thank you for reading,

Elaine Margarita 

Author: E.M.

I am a dedicated advocate for early childhood leadership and the growth and development of young minds. My journey has been guided by a commitment to fostering a nurturing environment where learning is not just a process but a joyful adventure. Through my experiences, I have discovered that leadership success is about cultivating a culture of curiosity, empathy, and continuous growth. I am excited to share my insights and strategies with others who share my passion for creating a brighter future through early childhood education. I enjoy sharing insights, tips, and strategies to empower fellow leaders in the field.

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