Time Well Spent…

Hello, November!

October was a blur. I spent the month taking time to practice the very thing I preach, self-care. I practiced my meditation, I set and maintained healthy boundaries, and I focused on setting new goals and timelines.

An incredible and unexpected blessing also occurred. I adopted the cutest little pups. They joined our family at eight weeks old and are very much like babies! During the first few nights, they woke up every hour on the hour. Thankfully, they are adapting well, now four weeks later, they are able to sleep a solid four to five hours.

Since I am able to get a few more hours of sleep, I am excited to resume my writing. Looking forward to sharing a post on appreciation this Sunday.

Keep going, keep growing, keep glowing… thank you for reading,

Elaine Margarita

What’s in a name?

Real TALK time, coming up with a name for this blog was EXTREMELY difficult. I drafted about a dozen different domain names. Once I made my decision, I eagerly purchased the name only to find out it was already someone else’s name. I know what you’re thinking… I should have Googled it first. I completely agree! I should have looked up every name I’d written down, but I let the excitement get the best of me. Fortunately and after much thought, I came up with THE perfect name. Well, at least I think it’s perfect!

Just in case you’re wondering what the term “glow up” actually means, here’s a basic definition I found through online research:

“Glow up” is considered slang. It indicates a significant transformation or improvement in a person’s appearance, confidence, or overall life situation over time. It’s also used to describe someone who has undergone positive changes in their physical appearance, style, self-esteem, or personal development.

This term is PERFECT because, well, effective leaders do GLOW UP! Think about it… learning and growing come with the role. Mistakes are often made and learning inevitably happens. I am by no means perfect. What I do have is the desire to continue to learn, improve my practice, and lead efficiently and effectively.

For the purpose of this leadership blog, “GLOW UP” is an acronym that encompasses effective leadership characteristics like: prioritizing Growth, Leading by example, promoting Openness, demonstrating Wisdom, fostering Unity, and instilling a sense of Purpose.

Let’s take a deeper look into the meaning of “GLOW UP” as it relates to this blog:

GGrowth: Effective leaders prioritize personal and professional growth, both for themselves and their team members.

LLeadership: Instructional leaders lead by example, demonstrating the qualities and behaviors they expect from their team. They understand that coaching and mentoring are essential for leadership success.

OOpenness: Humble leaders foster an environment of openness and transparency, encouraging honest communication and feedback.

WWisdom: Wise leaders make informed decisions based on experience and knowledge, guiding their teams towards success.

UUnity: Collaborative leaders promote unity and collaboration among team members. They recognize the strength of diversity and teamwork and promote trust, and engagement.

PPurpose: Purposeful leaders instill a sense of collective purpose and meaning in their teams, aligning everyone’s efforts with a shared vision.

As I glow up in my leadership journey, I have come to the realization that I embrace a combination of leadership styles. That is why creating an acronym that demonstrates that leadership is multifaceted was important to me. GLOW UP is my way of sharing this notion with all of you.

I hope my words inspire you to continue to glow up as leaders even in times when you may feel your light is dim (don’t worry, that happens to me a lot. I will share with you my tips and strategies to reignite your glow).

For now, I plan on publishing new blog posts on Sundays. If, however, you feel inclined to ask me a question or would like me to elaborate or share further insight on a topic, feel free to message me. I thank those of you that bravely asked “why glow up?” Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this blog. I appreciate you!

Peace and love,

Elaine Margarita

Here are a couple of question stems to help you reflect on this post:

  • What thoughts came to your mind as you read through this post?
  • How do you feel after reading the meaning of glow up in relation to your leadership practice?

Taking a Reflective Approach: Why Blog?

Welcome to the first post in my leadership tips, strategies, and reflection blog. I’m excited about this journey and want to share the reasons behind this “stepping out of my comfort zone” move!

First and foremost… Why Not? Leadership is an ever-evolving journey. It is one filled with challenges, successes, and a never-ending quest for personal and professional growth. Throughout my own leadership path, I’ve come to appreciate the profound impact that reflection has played on my professional growth and development. It’s not just about moving forward; it’s about moving forward with intention, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to self-improvement. So why not jumpstart my leadership reflections via a blog? Besides, I’ve spent the last three years writing and reading, reading and writing my dissertation along with other writing projects; but, since my defense, I felt like something was missing.

And so… here I am, embarking on another challenge. Here are my top four reasons for blogging:

1. Personal Growth: I believe that leadership is not a destination but a continuous journey. It’s a journey where we learn, adapt, and evolve. Through this blog, I hope to document my own growth, learn from my experiences, and inspire others to embark on their own quests for personal and professional development, too.

2. Shared Learning: My favorite hashtag is #bettertogether which suggests that leadership isn’t a solitary endeavor. It thrives in the exchange of ideas, experiences, and insights. This blog is a platform where I intend to share my experiences, the lessons I’ve learned, and the strategies that have worked for me. But more importantly, it’s a space for dialogue. I look forward to learning from you, too. I hope you share your thoughts and ideas in response to some of my blog posts.

3. Inspiring Emerging Leaders: I firmly believe that leadership is not defined by titles or positions but by actions, mindset, and a willingness to make a positive impact. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting your leadership journey, I hope this blog will serve as a source of inspiration and guidance, helping you to realize your leadership potential and take meaningful steps toward your goals.

4. Time for Reflection: Reflection is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. It allows us to pause, examine our experiences, and gain valuable insights. I want to emphasize the importance of reflection as an intentional practice. I often reflect on my day, interactions with others, things that didn’t go as planned, and things that actually worked out.

I’d love it if you joined me on this journey. I look forward to learning, leading, and GLOWING UP with you all.

Peace and love,
